Masha: Transforming An Undesirable Situation into Triumph

When beings from higher dimensions choose to incarnate, they seek to immerse themselves in the unfamiliar, even the undesirable. In descending into lower realms, they encounter experiences that cultivate gratitude, juxtaposing the contrasts of their native existence. Incarnating souls from higher dimensions often confront non-ideal circumstances on the earth realm, deliberately selecting roles and challenges … Continue reading Masha: Transforming An Undesirable Situation into Triumph

Who Had An Impact On Your Life: A Tale of Unexpected Influence

Share a story about someone who had a positive impact on your life While I could recount numerous stories of remarkable individuals who left an indelible mark on my life, and I remember them all by name, I feel compelled to share a narrative that diverges from conventional expectations. With no trace of bitterness, albeit … Continue reading Who Had An Impact On Your Life: A Tale of Unexpected Influence

Rising Energy, Elevated Consciousness: A Spiritual and Kundalini Awakening

The beginning of my spiritual awakening began in 2012. It was not instant, but a gradual, convoluted awakening. In 2017, due to my inquisitive nature, I began to delve into some deep dives regarding mud floods, resets, Tartarian empire, shape of the earth, The Great Awakening, quantum entanglement, Project looking glass, hidden history, and other … Continue reading Rising Energy, Elevated Consciousness: A Spiritual and Kundalini Awakening

Unlocking Divine Codes: Lightworkers and the Mystical Significance of 144

If the number 144 resonates with you I hope you will find this commentary helpful. Early on in my spiritual awakening, it was the number 144 that I began to notice in increasing frequency. It is a prolific synchronicity that has occurred daily, sometimes several times a day, for the last five years. As such, … Continue reading Unlocking Divine Codes: Lightworkers and the Mystical Significance of 144

Eternal Bonds: Navigating Our Connections Through the Tapestry of Past Lives

I can only pen my own experiences and offer theories on what aligns with those experiences. With the memories I have it seems to coincide with the concept of a multiverse. As eternal beings, which is what we are, we incarnate into various forms and realities to learn, have experiences, and evolve spiritually. There are … Continue reading Eternal Bonds: Navigating Our Connections Through the Tapestry of Past Lives