Hidden Lessons: How Loss Reveals the True Worth of What We Cherish

As I reflect on my spiritual journey and the efforts I have made to cultivate balance and harmony in my life, I cannot deny the presence of some staggering mistakes and failures along the way. Yikes! It is humbling to find myself at this stage of life, seemingly "starting over" in terms of financial stability. … Continue reading Hidden Lessons: How Loss Reveals the True Worth of What We Cherish

When Gifts Come with Strings: The Impact of Withholding

Last Christmas, two young adults were told they would not receive anything from their grandmother because she did not think they were living up to her standards of success. This was not just about exerting power or control; it placed conditions on what should be unconditional love from a grandparent to a grandchild. It is … Continue reading When Gifts Come with Strings: The Impact of Withholding