

This website is mainly a repository and provides a personal account of one individuals spiritual awakening. It delves into the challenges, realizations, and transformations experienced. Overall, the content reflects a deep personal experience and will not resonate with everyone.

Like so many others, I always struggled to fit in with society constructs and questioned more than what was comfortable for those around me. I’ve been curious and aware since childhood but was awakened in December 2012. This was a challenging transition as I went through a painful process of deprogramming. I had been raised a Christian, had rigid beliefs, and couldn’t have been more devoted or closer to God than when this awakening occurred.

I spent more than a decade going through an excruciating dark night of the soul, which was rife with heartbreak, overwhelming change, isolation and great loss. 2017 and 2019 were significant markers in my spiritual metamorphosis, which culminated in the recall of memories from 38 of my past lifetimes on earth, including two galactic lifetimes (most of my soul group has had 87-89 earthly incarnations). These are things I would have never believed in when still indoctrinated and I would have remained “haunted” by memories I couldn’t explain.

Remembering, however, was part of my soul’s plan for this lifetime, though I do not, at present, remember every incarnation.

I feel it’s important to mention that remembering, having gifts and incarnating into galactic lifetimes does not make anyone special, let alone superior. I find it off-putting when people describe themselves in ways that present themselves as more important than others. We are all fractals of God – different, unique, but never “better” than anyone else. We all have abilities, interesting stories, past lifetimes, and a wealth of experience in many different realms and realities.

I have chosen this space to share my own experiences as it is my intention to dispel fear and to remind others, especially those that are awakening, that they are not alone.

Who I am

In this lifetime I am Gen X. I am of Native American, English, and Scottish descent. I spent my earliest years in the foster care system. I was adopted but orphaned at the age of eighteen. I was reunited with my tribe but rejected. I am happily married, the mother of three and a grandmother to two. For someone with my experiences, family was all I dreamed of. My goals would not be considered anything impressive, especially in today’s society, but it’s all I wanted and for me, it’s enough.

On a spiritual level I am considered just one of many lightworkers (in service to others). One of my acts of service is that of a psychopomp and being a walker between worlds. This used to frighten me and I suppressed it for most of my life because of the beliefs I was raised with. Religious institutions demonize genuine spirituality and the real world that we live in. That world is comprised of many different beings, realms, realities, and dimensions.

Since awakening I am no longer afraid, nor am I unnerved by those who come to me. I will explain more about this process in a blog post, and I would like to reassure anyone reading that when it comes to death, there is nothing to fear.

The Great Awakening

Humanity is going through a process of awakening to the knowledge that we are multi-dimensional beings and there are other realities that exist besides the reality we are experiencing.

Our oversoul, also referred to as our higher self, exists in the higher dimensions. Only a small part of our being comes through to experience this denser 3D reality.

The dimensions where our oversoul lives are at a much higher frequency than the earth realm. As spiritual growth occurs, our vibration shifts higher (ascension), which allows us to begin to experience these higher planes of existence.

We are at a pivotal point in humanity’s evolution where we can collectively ascend to a higher state of consciousness – what is actually referred to and prophesied by many as the New Earth. Those that have already awakened or are in the process of awakening are here to play a role in assisting humanity in the transition.

The Great Awakening Map

Ascension involves the acceleration of vibrational energy and the expansion of awareness, which creates a shift in consciousness.

The controllers main goal has always been to prevent us from ascending because their control over the collective would be lost. They have used every means possible to keep humanity from ascending, such as: suppressing the truth about galactic origins; suppressing access to technologies that would assist our evolution; suppressing our memories; and suppressing knowledge.

The ascension process is when we are ready to let go of all fear-based illusions and embrace the truth of who we really are.

In the ascension process our DNA is activated and our life force energy levels will be extremely high. This is an upgrade to our physical body, our energetic body and our consciousness.