My Spiritual Awakening After a Lifetime of Indoctrination

You were awakened for a time such as this…

In 2012, a wave of spiritual awakenings swept through, and by December of that year, I found myself activated and set on a path of awakening that would unfold over several years. Like many others, this journey was painstaking, isolating, and even destructive. I was cast into the wilderness and embarked upon an agonizing dark night of the soul.

During those years of isolation and transformation, I underwent a painful process of deprogramming. Initially, I did not even believe in reincarnation or in the experiences I was having. At that point, I could not have felt closer to God – I was deeply in love with the Creator, a devout reader of the Bible, genuine in prayer, and a devoted follower of Jesus. Sadly, some have self-righteously accused me of not being genuine in my faith, but I truly was and relied on it for most of my life.

From my own experience and from the testimonies of others, I have found that awakenings cannot happen overnight. They are far too overwhelming. They strip you of your ego, all you thought you knew, what you’ve been taught, and who you think you are. No one prepares you for losing your hope for the future. It is, in fact, spiritual depression. It shakes you to your core and dismantles your sense of identity. It also awakens you to the harsh realities of this world and the staggering extent of all the deception, which has infiltrated every area of our lives.

For me, awakening was not just the realization that almost everything I thought I knew was a lie; it was about seeing through the veil and beyond the illusion. It involved shedding long-held beliefs, which plunged me into a state of deep mourning.

There is considerable discomfort that comes with the awakening process. People and institutions we once trusted are rife with propaganda and conditioning. Education, politics, religion, sports, entertainment, media, and even modern medicine, which often perpetuates illness rather than healing, are not what we thought they were. This is by design.

The grief does not end there. It extends to grieving the loss of relationships with people who you now have nothing in common with. These “sleepers” are so comfortable in the system and the fake world around them that they may ridicule and shame those who have awakened. They resent the awakened for breaking free. Your strength highlights their weakness. Your courage underscores their compliance. Your truth reminds them of the lie they live. Your freedom and magic infuriate those who have neither.

When your presence threatens someone’s sense of self and your truth challenges their belief system, their reactions become predictable. They dislike people with stronger wills; they find it threatening. By asking questions and challenging the narrative, you expose what they are unwilling to confront. Most people’s egos are too large to fathom the possibility that they have been fooled.

The truth demands acceptance and change. Choosing to awaken forges within you a resilience that is dangerous to them and the establishment they are part of. To awaken means stepping out of the establishment, which can be isolating and make you a target. Just remember that real history was not forged by compliance; it was forged by rebellion. Awakening is being part of this legacy.

Awakening also involves realizing that many physical pains we struggle with have a spiritual cause, drawing our attention to what needs healing.

A medical physician, initially skeptical of past lives, became a believer and regression therapist after witnessing the health and well-being of his patients improve by confronting their past lives. He said:

“After Catherine, many more patients came to me for past-life regression therapy. People with symptoms resistant to traditional medical treatments and psychotherapies were being cured.”

Due to physical afflictions that no medical doctor could help me with, I decided to try something different. After some past life memories came in through dreams and visions, I began with meditations to calm my mind and, a couple of months later, underwent two past life regressions under the supervision of a psychologist. That was where my past life journey really began and became a crucial part of my spiritual awakening leading to profound understanding, healing, and inmost peace.

Caveat: Going through a spiritual awakening can bring peace, but not necessarily happiness. Ignorance can indeed be bliss. Feeling connected to the world through shared experiences with loved ones and peers can foster a sense of belonging. However, “coming out of the matrix,” so to speak, often leads to feelings of isolation. Once you awaken, there is no returning to the comfort of unawareness.

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